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Menu Designer

Navigation: Creating Menu Panels

Panel Designing Tips

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Imagine a very busy time in your restaurant. What panel features would make it easier to take orders? Here are a few suggestions:

Group related menu items (Anything that can be sold to a customer is considered a menu item. Pizza, drinks, and promotional merchandise are examples of menu items.).

Separate different types of menu items on mixed panels (for example, Appetizer/Salad or Beverage/Bar panels).

Improve panel usability.

If you are adding a lot of new designed panels to your menu, create a template for your new panels to help ensure a consistent button and display layout. A consistent layout improves order-taking speed and accuracy.

Limit the number of panels in the menu.

Maximize space on your panels. Uncluttered panels are more usable.

See Also:

oMenu Panel Checklist

oAdding Menu Items SpeedStart Tutorial

oAdding Modifiers SpeedStart Tutorial

oUnderstanding Menu Panels

oAdd a New Designed Panel

oCopy a Button

oAdd a Default Panel Item