If you use multiple panels (screens) in your menu, or if you use panels from more than one menu file at once, you may want to create a link between them. This is done by creating a linked button on the panel you are linking from.
To Link to a Panel in the Current Menu File:
1.Open the main menu panel in the Panel Designer
2.On the Components Toolbar, click the Simple Item button.
3.In the Panel Designer workspace, click where you want to place the button, or press and drag to add and size the button at the same time.
4.In the Components Property Editor, click Button Style, and select a style for the button from the drop-down list.
Hint Background and font colors for each style are set in Store Manager. See Set Colors for Menu Button Styles in the Store Manager Help. |
5.Click Menu Link, and select Link to Menu Panel from the drop-down list.
6.In the Choose a Menu Node window, select a modifier popup panel or designed panel from the list, and click OK. The caption that has been entered in that panel's General tab will appear on the button.
7.If needed, move and resize the button. (For information on resizing a button, see Size Panel Components.)
8.On the File menu, click Close to close the Panel Designer.
9.Run a menu check, save the file and refresh Terminal to see your changes.
To Link to a Panel in Another Menu File:
Important The two menu files you are linking must not have any duplicate PLU numbers. |
1.Open an existing panel in the Panel Designer
2.Click the Special Functions button on the Components toolbar.
3.Click and drag in the Panel Designer workspace to add the button.
4.In the Components Property Editor, click Caption and enter the text you want to appear on the button.
5.Click Special Function Parameter and enter the name of the linked panel (from the Name field in the panel's General tab).
Important The menu panel you are linking to must have a unique name that is not repeated in other menu files, and all panels to be used in the menu must be selected in Store Manager. See Activate a Menu in Store Manager for more information about selecting panels. |
6.Click Button Style and select a style from the drop-down list.
Hint Background and font colors for each style are set in Store Manager. See Set Colors for Menu Button Styles in the Store Manager Help. |
7.Click Special Function and select External Panel Link from the drop-down list.
8.On the File menu, click Close to close the Panel Designer.
10.Save the file and refresh Terminal to see your changes.
See Also:
•Activate a Menu in Store Manager (Store Manager Help)