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Menu files contain panels that are custom-designed in Menu Designer. See the Creating Menu Panels topic in Menu Designer Help. Terminal uses these panels to display items for order-taking. In Terminal, the panels appear as "pages" in the menu that can be chosen using the panel buttons located on the left or right side of the screen. Some panels can also appear as pop-up windows.

Note HM

Note Changes to menu items and item prices are completed in the menu file in Menu Designer, and then implemented using Store Manager settings. (Click here to see the Menu Designer Help.)

In Store Manager, you select the panels to make active in Terminal from a list of menus and panels available in the SpeedLine Menus folder.

Show me how to:

Activate a New Menu or Panel (Change the menu that is active in Terminal, or add or remove a screen).

Open a Menu (for editing)

Move Panel Buttons (Change the position of the buttons used to navigate between screens).

Activate a Coupons Only Menu (A coupons-only menu allows a store to use their own coupons in addition to a corporate-mandated menu file).

Set Up a Preferred Panel (Change the panel that first displays when the Terminal Menu button is touched).

Coupons and Price Groups

Edit Coupon Options (Change how coupon buttons display or are applied in Terminal).

Edit Price Group Settings (Automatically apply alternative pricing).