If you want to explore other topics, you can also use the navigation pane on the left side of the Help window. This allows you to find information in three ways:
1.By clicking on a topic title listed in the Contents tab.
The Table of Contents is organized into chapters containing two types of topics: informational and procedural. Informational topics are indicated by an "i." They provide general information on features. Along with the chapter topics, these topics provide context and background to help you understand the system as a whole. Procedural topics are indicated by a question mark. They provide step-by-step instructions to help you complete a task. •To view the titles of topics within each chapter, click the expand button beside the topic. To view the topic content, click the title.
2.By entering a keyword in the field below the Index tab. This is more specific than a keyword search, because it will lead you only to topics that explain something about the term you are searching for. •To open the topic, double-click the index term that most precisely describes what you are looking for. In the example below, the user would double-click one of the topics listed below the term "buffet."
3.By entering a keyword in the field below the Search tab and clicking List Topics. This will search for the keyword anywhere it occurs in Help topics, and will list all topics containing it.
•To refine your search, you can select one or more of the check boxes at the bottom of the navigation pane, and then click List Topics. For example, selecting Search titles only will increase the relevance of the topics found, since only those with the keyword in links or title text will be listed.
•To open the topic, double-click the topic title. The keyword will be highlighted in the topic that appears. |