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Store Manager Help

1.Go to the Settings> People> Employees. icon_employeeSetup

2.If you have hired a new employee, click the Add button bAdd to add a new employee profile.

3.If you are importing the employee's information from an HR-XML file, follow the instructions in the HR-XML Import Employee wizard; this will auto-fill some personal information.

Note HM


If  the wizard does not open, there are no new HR-XML files to be imported.

Imported information that does not match any field in the employee record will appear in the Comments field on the Employment tab.

4.To enter or change the information in the employee profile, double-click the employee's name.

5.Click the Personal tab.


6.To assign a user ID for login, click the Assign User ID button and then do one of the following:

Note HM


- Even if you use a fingerprint sensor or card swipe as a login method, SpeedLine recommends  that you set user IDs for employees to provide a backup login method in case of hardware failure.

- User ID numbers cannot start with zero (0).

Enter a unique number in the New User ID/Security Card field, type the number again in the Confirm field, and click OK. This allows you to control the user ID numbers assigned to employees.


Click the ID button AddPersonalInfo_03 to the right of the New User ID/Security Card field to auto-generate a unique user ID for this employee, and click OK. The user ID is set.


Take note of the user ID that has been automatically generated by SpeedLine (available if the Auto-generate setting in the Employee Options Setup tab has been selected) and click OK. The user ID is set.

Note HM

Important If employees forget their User IDs, they must be reset in Store Manager by a manager.

Best Practice HM

Hint Managers should change their User ID numbers on a weekly basis to decrease the possibility of unauthorized use by staff or patrons.

7.Enter the other personal information your operation requires. Click the settings in the image below to see a description of each.

Note HM

Important You must enter a Display Name, and you must enter a Social Security number if Require Social Security Number is selected on the Employee Options General tab. SpeedLine also recommends entering a birth date, in order to have the option of using employee work restrictions.


Click a setting to read its description:



8.If you are finished entering information for this employee, click OK to save your changes and close the employee profile; otherwise, continue to Step 2: Enter Employment Information.  

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Add an Employee Tutorial Home

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 1: Enter Personal Information

Step 2: Enter Employment Information

Step 3: Select Employee Skills

Step 4: Set Employee Availability

Step 5: Assign Job and Salary