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Assign Strong Employee Passwords

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In order to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and gain access to all areas of Store Manager, you must do one of the following when logging in:

Enter a strong password (one at least 7 characters long, containing both letters and numbers).

Swipe a magnetic ID card.

Scan your fingerprint.

See the PA-DSS Implementation Guide in the Document Viewer for more information on the requirements of PCI DSS.

Use the following procedure to assign a strong password that the employee will use to gain full access to Store Manager, or to reset a password for employees who have forgotten their passwords.

To Assign or Reset a Strong Password

Note HM

Note SpeedLine recommends setting a strong password, even if the usual login method is by fingerprint sensor or card swipe. This will ensure access to Store Manager even if login hardware is missing or inoperable.

Note HM

Important Employees who log into Store Manager with a user ID number, rather than a strong  password, will not be able to access the Employees, Employee Options, Card Processing, Station Options, or SQL Query settings areas.

1.Go to Settings> People> Employees. icon_employeeSetup

2.Double-click the employee whose password you want to assign or reset.

Best Practice HM

Hint  If you are setting SpeedLine passwords for several employees, it is faster and easier to use the Password Maintenance utility. See Change Passwords Using the Password Maintenance Utility for instructions.

3.Click the Strong Password button, and then click Reset.

4.Click Yes to confirm that the password is to be set. An information message displays the new password.

5.Record the new password to give to the employee, and then click OK to close the Strong Password window.

6.Click OK to save changes and close the employee profile. The first time the employee logs in to Store Manager with the new password, they will be prompted to set their own password. The password they set must meet PCI DSS specifications (at least 7 characters long, and consisting of both letters and numbers). For some tips on creating a strong, memorable password, see Avoid System Lockouts.

Best Practice HM

Hint Employees can also change their own passwords by logging in and then clicking Change Password on the File menu.

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See Also:

Change Your SpeedLine Password

Unlock an Employee's Store Manager Account

Change Passwords Using the Password Maintenance Utility

Avoid System Lockouts

PA-DSS Implementation Guide PDF- available in the Store Manager Document Viewer.