How to enter your employee information in Store Manager, how it interacts with the rest of the SpeedLine system, and how you can customize it for your operation.
Show me how to:
•Find an existing employee's record: see Find an Employee,
•Enter personal information for a new employee, and assign a User ID number, department, and Job: see the Add an Employee SpeedStart Tutorial.
•Update or modify information on an existing employee: see Change Employee Availability and Change Employee Skill List.
•Communicate with your employees and record comments: see Send Employee Events.
•Add testing types and track employee progress through the testing: see Manage Employee Testing.
•Set options that apply to all employees, including time-clocks, meal breaks, labor cost groups, overtime rates and fees paid to drivers: see the Employee Options Settings chapter.
•Schedule employee hours: see the Scheduling SpeedStart Tutorial.
See also:
•Add an Employee SpeedStart Tutorial.