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Set Up Paytronix Loyalty Processing

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SpeedLine integrates with Paytronix Systems loyalty programs, allowing you to offer a powerful multi-store loyalty option to your customers. Contact Paytronix Systems for more information on the range of programs available and how to sign up. When you have the setup information provided by Paytronix, follow the instructions below to enter communication information and to customize how Paytronix interacts with Terminal.

Note HM

Note Before completing the procedure below, Paytronix must be selected in the Processor Interface list, and other general  loyalty settings entered. See Enter General Loyalty Settings for instructions.

1.Go to the Settings> People> Loyalty icon_loyalty> Paytronix tab.

Best Practice HM

Hint SpeedLine communicates with Paytronix through a Java-based service called Paytronix Controller (PXC) that is installed at the store. Terminal sends loyalty requests and ticket or item information to that service, and PXC sends the requests to Paytronix across the Internet.

2.In the Server Address field, enter the name of the server where the PXC software is installed in your store (this is often Station1).

3.In the Port field, if the port used is not the default (9090), type or select the port number for connection to the server where Paytronix is installed. To restore the default, click the Default button.

4.In the Authorization Timeout (sec) field, type or select the time for Terminal to wait for an authorization response from Paytronix. The recommended time is 30 seconds; increase this to 60 seconds if authorization problems are encountered.

5.In the Gift Cards area, specify when loyalty points will be awarded for a gift card purchase:

Select Award Points on Add Value to award loyalty points to the customer who purchases (activates) or adds value to the gift card. (This is typically selected to reward the gift card purchaser.)

Select Award Points on Tender to award loyalty points to the customer who redeems the gift card to buy food or merchandise. (Selecting this can increase awareness of your loyalty program with gift card recipients who may not be regular customers.)

6.In the POS Message area, select where the Paytronix loyalty messages (for example, point balances or awards available) will appear:

Select Print to print the loyalty message at the bottom of customer receipts.

Select Prompt to have the loyalty message appear on the Terminal screen.

7.Select the Require Card Number for Redeems check box to require that a loyalty card number be entered or swiped before rewards can be redeemed. Selecting this setting helps prevent loyalty coupons from being applied fraudulently, while clearing it allows redemption for accounts that are searched for by name or phone number.

8.To select which order types to prompt for loyalty card entry on, go to the Orders> Order Types> General tab (see Change General Order Type Options).

Note HM

Important When using Paytronix loyalty, ensure the "Reduce Value of Ticket After Save" Terminal security privilege is selected to allow staff to apply rewards to tickets.

9.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

10.Refresh Terminal to implement loyalty changes.


See Also:

Enter General Loyalty Settings

Change General Order Type Options

Integrating Paytronix Loyalty with Your Menu topic in Menu Designer Help - for instructions on setting up Paytronix loyalty rewards and identifying loyalty products.

For instructions on using Paytronix loyalty in Terminal, see chapter 13 of the Terminal User's Guide, available in the Store Manager Document Viewer.