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SpeedLine allows you to manage phone numbers, addresses, and even favorite order types for each customer. Store Manager also has Customer Messages and Mass E-mail, features that you can use to market to a specific group of customers; to 'get the word out' on new promotions, or simply to communicate a "Thank You" or "Season's Greetings" to your customers.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys allow you to get information back from your customers based on your selection of questions. This will help to improve the image your customers have of your restaurant and the service your staff provides.

Customer tools include:

Customer Options: Set up the Terminal Customer screen to your specifications; manage delivery zones and charges, reset year-to-date sales totals, and delete obsolete customer records from your database.

Customer Messages: Customer Messages display for the order-taker and print on or with customers' receipts. They are a great marketing tool to communicate with your customers. You can also print short customer surveys.

House Accounts: Set up charge accounts for schools, businesses, or individual customers.

Mass E-mail: Send e-mail messages and offers to your customers--another great marketing tool.