1.Go to the Settings> People> Loyalty > General tab.
Note To enter Loyalty settings, you must have the Store Manager "Loyalty" security privilege (in the People section of the Store Manager Security Privileges Descriptions). See View or Change Security Privileges for instructions on how to change privileges. |
Caution Do not activate or de-activate loyalty during the business day. To prevent problems with voided tickets, wait until after running day end or before making sales the next day before changing the Active setting. |
2.Select the Active check box to activate the loyalty feature.
Caution Do not change the Processor Interface during the business day. To prevent problems with voided tickets, wait until after running day end or before making sales the next day before changing the Processor Interface setting. |
3.In the Processor Interface list, select the loyalty processor that you are using:
•Select SpeedLine to use the single-store loyalty tool included with SpeedLine.
•Select a third-party loyalty processor (for example, Punchh, or Paytronix).
Note For more information on third party loyalty, contact your SpeedLine sales representative. |
4.In the Loyalty Program Caption field, enter the caption that will appear on the loyalty button on the Terminal Customer screen (maximum two words, each with 9 characters or less). If you leave this field blank, the button will be captioned "Loyalty."
5.If you are using loyalty cards with your program, in the Card # Format list, select the pattern of numbers on the card, or type a new pattern ("9" represents any single-digit number).
If you are using a third-party loyalty provider such as Punchh or Paytronix, skip to step 4 of this tutorial.
SpeedLine Loyalty Program SpeedStart Tutorial
You are here Step 1: Enter General Loyalty Settings
•Step 2: Set Point Accumulation
•Step 3: Print Loyalty Message on Tickets
•Step 4: Create Loyalty Rewards