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Integrating Paytronix Loyalty with Your Menu

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SpeedLine integrates with the multi-store customer loyalty programs provided by Paytronix Systems, Inc.

To offer loyalty rewards, you will need to create coupons for them in your menu, and if you are offering product-based loyalty programs, you must identify the menu items that help customers qualify for rewards. This topic gives you general information on what you may need to change to integrate Paytronix loyalty with your menu.

Your Paytronix account representative can help you decide what reward coupons and product identification methods best suit the loyalty programs you plan to run.

Note HM

Note Before you can integrate your menu with Paytronix loyalty, you will need to work with a Paytronix Systems account representative to choose your loyalty programs and learn how to use the many features of Paytronix loyalty. Contact SpeedLine Support for a referral to Paytronix.

1.You will need to Create Loyalty Rewards by adding coupons.

2.If you are using product-based programs (for example, "buy X pizzas, get one free," or "buy a product containing lobster, and earn points"), you must identify qualifying items in your menu. There are several ways of identifying loyalty menu items:

oBy tagging qualifying products with a tag. This is recommended if you have several qualifying loyalty items for a program that are in different item categories. The Tags field is found in the item's General tab. See Using Tags to Group Menu Items for instructions on adding and applying tags.


oBy PLU (product look-up number). The PLU field is found in the item's General tab. PLUs are the easiest way to identify an individual qualifying loyalty item.

oBy item category. The Item Category field is found in the item's General tab. Identify the items by item category if you have several qualifying loyalty items in the same item category.

oBy size. For sized menu items, size can be used in combination with the other identification methods to restrict the qualifying loyalty item to a certain size, for example, large specialty pizzas. Sizes are found on the item's As Item tab.


oBy minimum toppings. Like size, this is used in combination with other identification methods to further restrict the qualifying item, for example, a pizza with two or more toppings.

Note HM

Note Only menu items currently qualify as loyalty products. If you identify an item category that contains modifiers (for example, a Toppings category) for a loyalty program, the modifiers in the category will not earn points. Items that can be used as loyalty products have the As Item check box selected on their As Item tab.

See Also:

Set Up Paytronix Loyalty Processing in Store Manager Help, to set up communication between SpeedLine and Paytronix.

Loyalty Reward Examples