Note If you are using Punchh loyalty, see the Integrating Punchh Loyalty with Your Menu topic for steps instead. |
1.If it does not already exist, create a loyalty rewards group in the menu tree Coupons branch:
a.Right-click the Coupons branch, point to Add, and click Group.
b.In the Name field, enter "Loyalty Rewards" or something similar, and click in the Caption field to autofill it.
2.Right-click the loyalty coupon group, point to Add, and click Coupon.
3.In the coupon's Property Editor, on the General tab, under Loyalty Program, select the Loyalty Reward check box.
4.Do one of the following:
•If you are using SpeedLine built-in loyalty, type or select the point cost of the reward in the Point Cost box.
•If you are using Paytronix loyalty, leave the Point Cost set to zero (0), and in the ID field, enter a reward ID that is identical to the discount object number used to identify the reward on the Paytronix administration website.
4.In the Distribution Method field, enter or select the name of your loyalty provider (for example, "SpeedLine Loyalty," "Paytronix," or "Punchh") to identify and group loyalty reward coupons in reports.
5.Click the Requirements tab.
6.If the reward has item requirements, set them up like any other item based coupon.
7.Click the Application tab. Application tab settings will vary based on the reward type, and on the loyalty provider you are using. Application tab settings are outlined in the loyalty reward examples that apply to your loyalty provider.
8.After filling in the Application tab, save the menu and refresh Terminal. Your loyalty reward can now be applied to a customer's order.
Hint If you are using Paytronix loyalty, you can redeem rewards from the Terminal Loyalty window. If you wish to use a value meal as a reward, create the reward under a value meal node in your menu (complete steps 2-4 in the Create a Value Meal tutorial), and the value meal prompts will start when you touch Redeem. |
See Also:
•Integrating Paytronix Loyalty with Your Menu
•Integrating Punchh Loyalty with Your Menu
•Loyalty Programs SpeedStart Tutorial in Store Manager help.