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Clean the SpeedLine Database

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Over time, your SpeedLine database may accumulate old, out-of-date information that takes up space but is not useful. The topics listed below explain how to use Store Manager utilities to delete old data from SpeedLine, while keeping current information.

Warning HM

Caution With the exception of sales data, the information removed from the database cannot be restored, unless you have a backup. SpeedLine recommends that you back up your database before clearing any old data. For instructions on how to create a backup, see  the "Safeguarding Your Data" PDF, available in the Document Viewer.

1.Clear old sales and transaction data (see Delete Old Transaction Data).

2.Clear employee shifts from more than two years ago (see Delete Old Shift Data).

3.Clear old schedules (see Delete Old Schedules).

4.Remove old customer data (see Clear Old Customer Records).

5.Reset year-to-date sales for all customers (see Reset Customer YTD Sales Totals).

6.Purge older account activity for paid-up house accounts (see Use House Accounts).