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Clear Old Customer Records

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If your store has been in business for a number of years, some of the customers in your database may have moved out of the area. Removing customers with no recent orders will free up database space, and will make those phone numbers available for reuse.

Warning HM

Caution Records removed from the database cannot be restored unless you have a backup. SpeedLine recommends that you back up your database before clearing any old data. For instructions on how to create a backup, see  the "Safeguarding Your Data" PDF, available in the Document Viewer.

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Options icon_customerOptions> Utilities tab.

2.In the Clear customers with no orders since field, click the drop-down arrow bDropdown and choose a date on the calendar. The records of all customers with no orders after this date will be marked for deletion.

3.Optionally, to clear the records of all customers without orders, regardless of the date, select Clear Customers Without Orders.

4.Select the Ignore Check Offenders check box. This will keep the records of any known check offenders from being cleared from SpeedLine.

Warning HM

Caution Once cleared, deleted records cannot be recovered.

5.Click the Clear button. The records specified are deleted from the customer database.

See Also:

Delete Old Transaction Data

Delete Old Shift Data

Clean the SpeedLine Database