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Reset Customer YTD Sales Totals

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If the year-to-date (YTD) sales are not reset annually, the Ytd figure displayed on the Terminal Customer screen will be incorrect. To display accurate figures, it is necessary to clear customer YTD sales once a year (for example, on the anniversary of the store's opening, or on January 1st).

Warning HM

Caution Information removed from the database cannot be restored, unless you have a backup. SpeedLine recommends that you back up your database before clearing any old data. For instructions on how to create a backup, see  the "Safeguarding Your Data" PDF, available in the Document Viewer.

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Options icon_customerOptions> Utilities tab.

2.Click the Clear YTD button.

Warning HM

Warning Clearing the YTD sales data cannot be undone.

3.Click OK and then Yes to confirm. All customer year-to-date sales totals are cleared from SpeedLine.

4.Click OK to the message that sales have been cleared.

5.Refresh Terminal. All customers will show $0.00 as their Ytd sales on the Customer screen.

See Also:

Clean the SpeedLine Database