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Add Custom Fields to the Customer Screen

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There are up to four customizable entry fields that can be activated on the Terminal Customer screen to allow you to add customer-specific information that is tailored to your operation.

Zone 1 is typically designated as the delivery zone for restaurants that use delivery zones. See Add a Delivery Zone Field to the Customer Screen to activate and set up a delivery zone field. Zones 2-4 are available for customizing entry of extra customer information, for example, club card numbers or school group affiliation.

Note HM

Note The numbered zones on the left of the screen (Zone 1, Zone 2, and so on) refer to custom fields on the Terminal Customer screen, one of which may be a delivery zone field, and are not the same as the delivery zones (areas) listed on the Delivery Zones screen.

Best Practice HM

Hint The Customers by Zone report and Microsoft Excel can be used to sort customers and their order information based on the  information entered in the zone field. See Export Reports for instructions on running and exporting a report. In Excel, sort the zone column as desired.

To Add a Custom Zone (Field) to the Terminal Customer Screen:

1.Go the the Settings> People> Customer Options icon_customerOptions> Zones tab.

2.Select the Active check box beside the new zone to allow it to appear as a text entry field on the Terminal Customer screen.

3.Select the Allow Edit check box beside the zone to allow your employees to add or change information in this field on the Terminal Customer screen.

4.In the Entry Mask field, enter the characters described in the table below to constrain how information is entered into the new field in Terminal. The number of characters entered in this field determines the maximum number of characters that can be entered in Terminal (the custom zone fields can contain up to 10 characters).

Entry Mask Character

What User Must Enter in Terminal



A number.

If the entry mask is 999, the user may enter a number up to 3 digits long. If the mask is 99 99-99, the user may enter a six-digit number, and the first two digits will automatically be separated by a space and the last two by a dash.


A letter or number.

If the entry mask is AA, the user may enter two letters, two  numbers, or one of each.


(Used before “a” or “A”.) An uppercase letter or a number .

If the entry mask is >AA, the user may enter two numbers, two upper-case letters, or one of each.

99-99-99 or 99/99/99

A numeric date. Note that the date is not validated.

If the entry mask is 99/99/99, the user may enter a six-digit number. Slashes will be added automatically.

5.In the Caption field, enter the caption that will appear to the left of the field in Terminal (maximum 10 characters). For example, "VIP No."

6.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

7.Refresh all Terminal stations to implement your new settings.

See Also:

Manage Customer Screen

Add a Delivery Zone Field to the Customer Screen

Report Descriptions (Customers - Customer by Zone report)

Export Reports