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The System group is where important system options are set, such as store information, station settings, Caller ID settings, and Card Processing settings.

For setting information, see these topics:

Recording information about your store, such as name, address, hours, telephone and fax numbers: see Update Store Information.

Setting up CallerID: see Set Up Caller ID.

Handling integrated processing of credit and gift cards: see Card Processing.

Recording yearly special days for your store (e.g., holidays such as July 4th, or your store anniversary): see Set Special Days.

Settings that control the Document Viewer: see Enable and Use the Document Viewer.

Removing any unwanted and offensive language from the Terminal screen, customer tickets and selection notes: see Use the Language Filter.

Control how the sales forecast, prep planning and buffet planning work: see Operations Planning.

Set up Make/Ready/Discard Slips to ensure outdated food is not served: see Set Up Make/Ready/Discard Slips.