To keep your sales, customer, and employee information safe, your SpeedLine database is automatically backed up (copied) from the primary server (typically Station1) to the secondary server. This ensures that your data can be restored if the primary server becomes unusable.
The recommended backup interval is one minute; however, if you are experiencing system slow-downs due to backups, you may increase the interval using the procedure below.
To Change the Database Backup Interval
1.Start Store Manager on the primary server [To determine whether a station is the primary server, secondary server, or a work station, log in to Terminal and look at the bottom of the screen, or run WS Config (found on the Start menu under SpeedLine Solutions Inc).].
2.Go to the Settings> System> Backup > Continuous Database Backup tab.
3.In the Interval (Minutes) field, type or select the number of minutes between each backup of the database, up to a maximum of 60 minutes.
Caution Increasing the backup interval increases the chance of data loss, in the event that restoration from the backup is necessary. |
4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.
See Also: