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Set Up Make/Ready/Discard Slips

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Once set up, the Make/Ready/Discard (MRD) Slips feature allows you to print MRD slips from Terminal when an item is made. These slips can be used to label items so that prep staff know what time the items were made, when they will be ready to serve or cook, and when they should be discarded.

To Enter General MRD Slip Settings

1.Go to Settings> System> Make/Ready/Discard Slips. icon_makeReadyDiscard

2.Select the Active check box to activate this feature.

3.From the Default Printer list, select where to print the slips.

4.In the Copies field, type or select the default number of slips to print (the default number can be changed in Terminal). Set the default quantity to zero if you do not want a default number to display (if staff will always enter a quantity to print in Terminal).

5.In the Max # Copies field, enter the maximum copies of the slip to print, in order to prevent excessive printing by mistake.

6.If  you would like all of the MRD slip items that are marked for discard in a specific interval to be discarded at the end of the last full day in the interval, rather than at the slip print time on the final day, select the Discard On Last Full Day setting. See an example... For example, if the chicken wings will be ready at 2 pm on Monday, and must be discarded after two days, select Discard On Last Full Day to have the slip print "Tues. at close" instead of "Wed. at 2 pm" as the discard time.

7.Select Print Employee Name to print the name of the employee who prints the slip in Terminal at the bottom of the slip.

8.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

9.Refresh Terminal to implement your new settings.

To Create a List of MRD Slip Items

1.Go to Settings> System> Make/Ready/Discard Slips. icon_makeReadyDiscard

2.Click the Add button bAdd to add an entry.

3.In the Name field, type the prep item name that will print on the slip.  

4.Under Ready In, click the Interval field and enter the number of days or hours it takes to prepare the item for cooking or serving. See an example... Chicken wings take 2 days to thaw in the refrigerator before they are ready for cooking, so I enter 2 in the Interval field. If this is an item that does not require any prep time, enter 0.

5.Under Ready In, click the Days/Hours field and select Days or Hours of prep time from the list.

6.Under Discard In, click the Interval field and then enter the number of days or hours before the prepared item should be discarded. See an example... Chicken wings will keep for 3 days after preparation, so I enter "3" as the Interval. If the item is to be discarded at store close, leave this field as-is and continue to the next step.

7.Under Discard In, click the Days/Hours field and select Days, Hours, or At Close from the list. When you print the slip in Terminal, the interval times you have set above and the slip print time will be used to calculate ready and discard times.

8.When you have finished adding all items you may need to print slips for, on the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

9.Refresh Terminal. The items you added will be available for selection when the MRD Slips button is touched on the Terminal User screen.

See Also:

For instructions on printing Make/Ready/Discard slips in Terminal, see "Printing a Make/Ready/Discard Slip" in the Terminal User's Guide (available in the Store Manager Document Viewer).