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Store Manager Help

Once you have finished entering shifts for the week, you can publish the schedule to make it available for viewing and printing in Terminal, and you can also print the schedule from Store Manager in four different formats. Click the links below to see instructions on how to publish a schedule, or how to print each format.

Click to expand.Publish a schedule so it can be printed from Terminal.
hmtoggle_arrow0Print an employee schedule that can be given to individual employees so they know their shifts for the week.
hmtoggle_arrow0Print and interpret stats on a store schedule grid: a table showing all employee shifts and total hours for each day that can be posted, and a separate page showing sales and labor stats.
hmtoggle_arrow0Print a store schedule by day: a listing of all employees working each day, their start and end times, and job titles.
hmtoggle_arrow0Print a store schedule by employee: a list of employees working during the week and scheduled shifts for each.

To view samples of each schedule type, click the four buttons just above the schedule display area (see below).


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Scheduling Tutorial Home

Step 1: Enter Labor Overhead

Step 2: Set Labor Goals

Step 3: Enter Employee Shifts

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 4: Print the Schedule

Step 5: View the Weekly Summary