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The SpeedLine Scheduling tool uses labor overhead information you enter to calculate and display your total labor costs. To ensure accuracy in the schedule's labor cost figures, you must tell SpeedLine the value of payroll taxes, worker's compensation, employee benefits, and any other labor costs that are added to wages.

To Account for Additional Labor Costs

1.Go to the Settings> People> Scheduling Options icon_schedulingOptions> Labor Overhead tab. The information you enter here will be used in the labor sections of the day report, and is shown on the scheduling screens.

2.Click the Add SM_PlusSign2 button to add a Labor Overhead entry.

3.Enter a Caption and then choose a Type of Overhead (Percent or Amount Per Day), and the Value. The Amount per Day value is a total for all employees.


In the example shown above, labor taxes would be 7% of your hourly labor cost, while the total employee benefits are $50 per day. So, if you pay $1000 wages for 2 days of labor, your labor overhead for that period would be calculated as ($50 X 2) + (7% of $1000)= $170.

4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

Scheduling SpeedStart Tutorial SpeedStart-logo_only_small


Scheduling Tutorial Home

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 1: Enter Labor Overhead

Step 2: Set Labor Goals

Step 3: Enter Employee Shifts

Step 4: Publish or Print the Schedule

Step 5: View the Weekly Summary