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The Export Sales Data functions are advanced features for users who want data for use with SpeedLine's SpeedLink report server product, or with a third-party data aggregation solution. To manually export the sales forecast data at any time, follow the procedure below. To automatically export the sales forecast automatically when End of Day is run, see the Export Sales Data at Day End topic.

To Export Sales Forecast Data Manually

1.Go to the Settings> System> Operations Planning icon_opsPlanning> Utilities tab.

2.Select Include Current Week to include the current week's forecast sales in the export file.

3.Select Include Next Week to include the next week's forecast sales in the export file.

4.In the Export Forecast area, select Save as Forecast File to save the data in a binary file that can be used with SpeedLink.

5.Select Save as Text to save the data in an indexed text (.txt) file that can be used for 3rd-party reporting.

6.Click the browse button bBrowse beside the Path field and browse to where you want to save the output file.

7.If you are using an output template for sales data, click the browse button beside the Template Path field and browse to the template file.

8.Click the Export button. The data is exported to the selected output location in the chosen file formats.

See also:

Export Sales Data at Day End

Define Meal Times (Day Parts)

Set Up Forecasting

View Sales Projections

Change Sales Forecast Settings

Import Sales Data