The Sales Forecasting feature in Operations Planning makes predictions based on historical sales data. If you have used SpeedLine for one month or more, you will have enough data to start forecasting using the sales you have made in Terminal. However, if you replaced your previous POS system with SpeedLine, you can also import your sales history from the previous system to start seeing accurate forecasts sooner, and to view sales history on the Sales Forecast screens.
To import data, it must be in a specific format in a comma separated values (CSV) text (.txt) file. Click the links below to see examples of acceptable data formats, and the procedure for importing data from a file.
Note To import data into all of the Sales Forecast tabs, you must import an Order Type History file. If your current sales data is not separated by order type, import the Sales Summary Data file format. This will populate the Day Totals tab, but not the other sales forecast tabs. |
See an Example of the File Format for Order Type History Data Use this format only if the data you are importing is separated by order type. |
To Import a Formatted Order Type History or Sales Summary File Once your files are formatted according to the examples above, use this procedure to import them into SpeedLine. |
See also: