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Navigation: Orders > Delivery Service

Activate 3rd Party Delivery Service

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When you activate third-party delivery, SpeedLine can display a generic third-party delivery driver on the Terminal Dispatch screen, so delivery orders can be assigned to it. For example, you can summon a "DoorDash Dasher" to pick up any delivery order by assigning the order to "DOORDASH" in the driver list. This allows you to get orders to customers when an in-store delivery driver may not be available.

When the service is active, it also allows staff to filter the list on the Terminal Tickets screen to show only orders submitted through the third party site, or assigned to a third-party driver.

Note HM

Note Currently, DoorDash is the only third-party delivery service integrated with SpeedLine. Contact DoorDash to sign up for their DoorDash Drive delivery service.

Note HM

Important To be able to assign deliveries to a third-party service, ensure the following are in place:

All your customer phone numbers include a valid area code, and "Use Area Code" is selected on the Settings, People, Customer Options, General tab. See Change General Customer Screen Settings.

Your correct store name and address, including a ZIP or postal code, is entered on the Settings, System, Store Information, General tab. See Update Store Information.

A valid 10-digit phone number that the third-party driver or customers can use to reach the store is listed on the Store Information screen. See Update Store Information.

1.On the Settings tab, click Orders.

2.Click Dispatch Options, icon_dispatchOptions and then click the 3rd Party Delivery tab.

3.Select the Active check box.

4.In the External Business Name field, enter the name you used to identify your store when your business signed up for third-party delivery.

Note HM

Note The External Business Name should be identical to the unique name used to identify your store when you signed up for third-party delivery. This name should not contain any special characters such as dashes, underscores, parentheses, or $, @, and & symbols.

5.In the Pickup Instructions for Driver field, enter any information the drivers need to know, for example, "Please enter by restaurant's side door."

6.Set the tender types to use for third-party deliveries:

a.In the sidebar, click Money, and then click Tender Types. icon_tenderTypes

b.In the Tender Type list, select the first tender type that is accepted for third-party deliveries.

Note HM

Note Third-party delivery drivers cannot accept payments on behalf of the store, so all third-party orders must be pre-paid. This means the only tender types normally accepted are credit and gift cards. House account payments are not supported.

c.Select the Allow for 3rd Party Delivery Services check box.

d.Under Converting Expected Payments, ensure Automatically Convert is selected. This will apply the payment and close the ticket when the Terminal Tender button is touched, and will prevent a disallowed tender type from being selected by mistake.

e.Repeat for each tender type that the third-party service will accept.

7.Review Terminal security privileges to ensure managers or other trusted employees who will assign orders to third-party delivery services have the Terminal> Dispatch> Assign Ticket to 3rd Party Delivery Service privilege selected (see View or Change Security Privileges for steps).

Best Practice HM

Hint Since tickets do not disappear from the Dispatch list when assigned to a third-party driver, you may want to indicate which tickets have already been assigned by adding a line to the dispatch ticket list template. See Indicate Tickets Assigned to a Third-Party Drivers on Dispatch List for steps.

8.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

9.Refresh Terminal. The third-party company name should appear in the list of drivers on the Terminal Dispatch screen, and a 3rd Party Delivery button can be used to filter the list on the Tickets screen.

See Also:

Change Tender Types

Change General Customer Screen Settings

Indicate Tickets Assigned to a Third-Party Drivers on Dispatch List

View or Change Security Privileges

Update Store Information

Report on Non-Integrated Order Sources (manually record an order source in Terminal)