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Navigation: Adding and Editing Prices

Price a Seasonal or Open Food Item

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You may sell items in your store that do not have a set price, or that fluctuate in price. For these items, you can give your order-takers the ability to enter a price at the time of sale by using a Manual Price. When a menu item with a Manual Price is ordered, Terminal will prompt the order-taker to enter a price for the item, rather than using a preset price.

To Add a Manual Price:

1.In the Menu Tree, right-click the item, modifier (A Modifier is a choice that is applied to a menu item, such as a pepperoni topping on a pizza., or group that requires a manual price, point to Add, and then click Manual Price.

2.In the Name field, enter a name for the price node.

3.In the Min. Price field, type the minimum price an order-taker can enter for the menu item. If $0.00 is entered, there will be no lower limit to the price.

4.In the Max. Price field, type the maximum price an order-taker can enter for the menu item. If $0.00 is entered, there will be no upper limit to the price.

5.In the Selection Type area, select the node type that you are creating the price for: Item, Modifier, or Included Modifier.

hmtoggle_arrow0        Selection Types:

6.(Optional) Select a tax group (A group of taxes that apply to a particular item. They are created in Store Manager and are applied to menu items in Menu Designer) that applies to the menu item from the Tax Group list. If the Selection Type is set to Modifier, you can have the modifier override the tax group of the item by selecting Override Item Tax Group, and then selecting a new tax group from the list. Why would I do this? In some areas, pizzas are taxed differently depending on whether they are sold baked or unbaked. In this situation, you could create "baked" and "unbaked" modifiers. In the price node for the unbaked modifier, select Override Item Tax Group and choose the tax group that applies to unbaked pizzas. When a pizza with the unbaked modifier is selected, the whole pizza will be priced with the unbaked tax group.

Note HM

Note Tax Groups are only applicable to Items.

7.(Optional) If this price node is for a price group, select the group from the Price Group list.

The new Manual Price node will appear in the Menu Tree. To edit its properties in the future, click on the Manual Price node and adjust its properties in the Property Editor.

See Also:

Understanding Prices

Add an Included Modifier

Create Tax Groups

Create Alternate Pricing with Price Groups

Understanding the Menu Tree