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Menu Designer

If you sell pizzas, many of ingredients included in those (cheese and toppings) were added when your menu was built. But to use Inventory, you must include the ingredients for all items on your menu, and specify the exact amount of each ingredient (including packaging) used in producing the menu item.

In Menu Designer, ingredients and packaging included when an item is sold are called "item contents." Follow the steps below to add item contents to each menu item.

To Add an Item Contents Node to a Menu Item

1.In the Menu Tree, select a menu item.

2.On the toolbar, click the Wizard button ButtonWizard, and then click Item Contents Wizard. Click Next.

Note HM

Note If the As Item check box is not selected on a modifier's As Item tab, the Item Contents Wizard is not available. Select the As Item check box and click the Save button before running the wizard, and then clear the check box after you are finished the wizard.

3.Expand the shortcut to the modifiers group (this group may also be called "stock Items" or "Inventory items").

4.Select a modifier and click the Add button. Repeat these steps until all modifiers for the item have been added.

Best Practice HM

Hint If you are using Inventory to track stock levels of packaging such as pizza boxes or disposable cutlery, do not include the packaging in item contents at this time. You will add it in the Add Packaging to Delivery Item Contents step.

5.Click Next.

6.If the item is sized, select the Sized check box, select the sizes that apply to the item, and then click Next. If the item is not sized, click Next.

7.On the Options & Amounts page, adjust the settings for each modifier. Click the settings in the image below to see a description of each.


Point to a setting to read its description:


8.Click Next.

9.On the Contents Options page, do one of the following:

10.Click Next, and then click Finish.

Best Practice HM

Hint You copy one or more lines from one Contents tab and paste them into another Item Contents node with the same sizes. This is particularly useful if adding the same items to a number of existing Item Contents nodes, as when preparing a menu for use with SpeedLine Inventory. See the Contents Tab topic.

Menu Setup for Inventory SpeedStart Tutorial SpeedStart-logo_only_small


Menu Setup for Inventory SpeedStart Tutorial Home

Step 1: Decide Which Items to Track

Step 2: Record Recipes

Step 3: Turn on Inventory and Define UOMs

Step 4: Add Non-Sale Items

Step 5: Add Shortcuts

Step 6: Select the Items and Modifiers to Track

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 7: Add Recipes (Item Contents)

Step 8: Add Packaging to Delivery Items

Step 9: Add Topping Matrixes

Step 10: Review the "Inventory-Ready" Menu Checklist