Print on Make Ticket: Select when you want the modifier name print on the make ticket or display on kitchen monitors.
•Always: Always prints or displays. This would be used for modifiers that must show every time, even if not modified, such as for the included dressing on a specialty salad.
•Never: Never prints or displays. This would be used for contents like pizza crust or sauce that are always included in the item.
•When Modified: Only prints or displays if a Modifier Type (for example, "No," "extra," or "on side") has been applied. This would be used for contents like cheese that do not need to print unless "extra cheese" or "no cheese" has been specified.
Note Modifier names will only print if the menu item has also been configured to print item contents on print tickets in the As Item tab, AND Store Manager is also configured to print item contents on tickets. See Print Recipes on Tickets in the Store Manager Help. |