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Multi-Store Administration

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Above Store

If you are administering multiple stores in different regions, Above Store, an optional add-on component of Store Manager, allows you to efficiently manage and distribute setting changes, menus, and documents to stores in your chain.

You can group stores with the same Store Manager settings together in a "Store Group." This is helpful, for example, if you have stores across multiple states, each with different tax and labor laws.

With Above Store, you can also create setting "profiles" for stores in various regions. Store Profiles allow head offices to load the settings used at stores in different regions into one copy of Store Manager, and then switch between profiles to view the settings for the local stores. When changes are required at a store or group of stores, the store's profile is loaded to act as a starting point for creating a new setting update package. Profiles can also be used to test setting changes before distributing them to the stores.

Setting Update Packages

SpeedLine makes maintaining consistent Store Manager settings across a chain of stores easy with Setting Update Packages. A Setting Update Package is a series of Store Manager settings contained in one file. After the package is saved or published, it can be distributed to one or more stores. When the package is implemented at the stores, those settings are transferred to the local copy of Store Manager. It is not necessary to have the Above Store option installed in order to use settings update packages, but it makes distributing the packages easier.

Show me how to:

Create a Setting Update Package to package settings for distribution to other stores.

Review a Setting Update Package

Distribute a Setting Update Package

Implement Setting Update Packages to activate the packaged settings at the stores.

Install Above Store to install this optional add-on.

Manage Store Profiles to load the settings in use at a store for testing and package creation at head office.

Add Stores and Store Groups to make distribution of packages using Above Store easier.

Distribute Files to Other Stores