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The Buffet Consumption Factor is a decimal value used to estimate how much of a buffet food item (on average) is eaten by each person ordering the buffet. If you selected the "Projected" method of determining buffet consumption on the Buffet Setup tab, it is important to estimate this factor carefully, as the accuracy of your buffet plan will depend on these values.

Note HM

Important If you selected the "Entry" method of determining buffet consumption on the Buffet Setup tab in Step 1 of this tutorial, you do not need to complete the steps below, as the Buffet Consumption tab will be unavailable. Skip to the next step: Step 5: Add Food items to Buffet Templates.

1.Go to the Settings> System> Operations Planning icon_opsPlanning> Buffet Consumption tab.

2.Click the Add button SM_PlusSign2 to add a new consumption factor entry.

3.Click in the Item Name column and select a menu item name (the name of the priced item, for example, "Adult buffet") from the drop-down list.

4.Click in the Template Name column, and select a buffet name from the drop-down list.

5.Click in the Consumption Factor column and enter an estimated value.

For example, if experience tells you that a child ordering a Kids Buffet would generally consume ΒΌ of a pizza, the Consumption Factor of Kids Buffet would be 0.25. Based on a Consumption Factor of 0.25, if sixty people order the Kids Buffet for dinner, SpeedLine will consider the contents of 15 food items from the dinner buffet template to be consumed (60 X 0.25 = 15). If you think that the average adult consumes half of a pizza, set the Consumption Factor to 0.50. If sixty people order the Adult Buffet, SpeedLine will consider 30 dinner buffet food items to be consumed (60 X 0.50 = 30).


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Buffet Planning Tutorial Home

Step 1: Configure General Buffet Settings

Step 2: Add Buffets

Step 3: Add Buffet Menu Items

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 4: Enter Buffet Consumption Factors (Projected method only)

Step 5: Add Food items to Buffet Templates

Step 6: View and print a Buffet Plan