A stock item, once posted to Inventory, cannot be deleted; however, it can be made inactive. Its records are kept within SpeedLine and remain available for future use.
To Deactivate a Stock Item
1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Stock Items tab and double-click the stock item you want to deactivate.
2.In the item's General tab, clear the Active check box. The item will no longer appear on reports or count lists.
To Deactivate All Unused Items Automatically at Period Close
1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Inventory Options > General tab.
2.In the After Closing Period area, select Deactivate Items Unused for # Periods.
3.Type or select the number of periods that must end before the item will be deactivated.
4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes. SpeedLine will set the stock item to inactive after the specified number of Inventory periods have been closed without any transaction batches (counts, receives, adjustments, or usage) being posted for that item.
To Delete a Stock Item
1.Go to the Settings> Inventory Settings> Stock Items tab and click to highlight the stock item you want to delete.
2.Click the Delete button. The item is deleted.
Note Items that are in stock, or those that are referenced in purchase orders or transactions, cannot be deleted. Instead, you may deactivate these items (see To Deactivate a Stock Item, above). |
See also:
•Add, Edit or Delete a Supplier