SpeedLine has the ability to integrate with Twilio so that when orders are assigned to drivers on the Dispatch screen, an SMS can be sent to customers letting them know their order is on its way. This improves customer service while reducing unnecessary call-backs for improved efficiency.
Important HTML tags are not supported by SMS messaging and will not be displayed properly. |
1.If you haven't already, please create a Twilio account.
2.Under Settings, go to People then click SMS.
3.Enter the Twilio SID, Auth Token, and toll-free phone number (found in your Twilio account's dashboard).
4.Once set up, it's recommended that you first Send a Test SMS to ensure services are working as expected.
5.After you've ensured everything is set up correctly, you can Send a Delivery Confirmation SMS to your customers.
Important You are recommended to keep SMS messages to a maximum of 160 characters. Any messages above this number will be charged as multiple text messages (depending on the amount of characters used). |
Hint Including menu items in your delivery dispatch confirmation SMS is not recommended, as larger orders may result in extremely long text messages (resulting in multiple charges). |
See Also:
•Send Delivery Confirmation SMS
•Send Delivery Confirmation Emails
•Send Driving Directions to Phone