SpeedLine banking is set up to be used with many different types of internal restaurant banking procedures. Typically these include drops, transfers, counts, and deposit slips. There are three types of banks:
Employee Banks
•The money that servers and drivers carry on their person.
Station Banks
•Open Cash Drawer (any employee with security can open the till).
•Server-Assigned Drawer (The till is assigned to a specific employee. Only they can open the drawer.)
Store Bank
•A virtual bank that accounts for all the money in the store. It can produce deposit slips and float totals for the following day, based on your settings.
There are four tabs on the Bank Options screen that control the settings on how the above banks will operate in your location, they are: General, Employee, Register, and Store Bank.
•The General tab contains general banking information such as Tips, Tender Count Options, and Bank Transaction Options.
•The Employee tab contains settings related to the Employee Banks.
•The Register tab contains settings related to the Station Banks.
•The Store Bank tab contains the activation and settings for the Store Bank feature.
Important Some changes to bank options will not take effect until day end is run in Terminal. |
To change bank-related settings see:
•Tips for Reducing Bank Count Errors
•Add a Cash Drawer (To set up Station and Server Assigned Banking).