This tutorial contains several examples of different ways you can use Menu Designer's Directed Order Entry™ tools to create successful suggestive selling scripts. By using enforced modifier , enforced item , and choice nodes , you can build intelligent upsell order scripts and make sure that your order-takers do not miss a single suggestive selling opportunity.
Before completing the Creating Suggestive Selling Scripts SpeedStart Tutorial:
•Read the Understanding Menu Items and Modifiers topic.
•Read the Add an Enforced Modifier topic.
•Read the Creating a Value Meal SpeedStart tutorial.
After completing the Creating Suggestive Selling Scripts SpeedStart Tutorial, you will know how to:
•Create effective suggestive selling scripts.
The tutorial consists of three examples:
•Example 1: Suggest adding extra cheese to a pizza.
•Example 2: Suggest adding a side salad to an entree.
•Example 3: Suggest "upsizing" the side and beverage in a value meal.
Read these examples to give you ideas on how you can use directed order entry with your menu.
See Also:
•Understanding Menu Items and Modifiers
•Additional SpeedStart Tutorials