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Creating Suggestive Selling Scripts SpeedStart Tutorial

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This tutorial contains several examples of different ways you can use Menu Designer's Directed Order Entry™ tools to create successful suggestive selling scripts. By using enforced modifier IconEnforcedModNode, enforced item IconEnforcedItemNode, and choice nodes IconChoiceNode, you can build intelligent upsell order scripts and make sure that your order-takers do not miss a single suggestive selling opportunity.

Before completing the Creating Suggestive Selling Scripts SpeedStart Tutorial:

Read the Understanding Menu Items and Modifiers topic.

Read the Add an Enforced Modifier topic.

Read the Creating a Value Meal SpeedStart tutorial.

After completing the Creating Suggestive Selling Scripts SpeedStart Tutorial, you will know how to:

Create effective suggestive selling scripts.

The tutorial consists of three examples:

Example 1: Suggest adding extra cheese to a pizza.

Example 2: Suggest adding a side salad to an entree.

Example 3: Suggest "upsizing" the side and beverage in a value meal.

Read these examples to give you ideas on how you can use directed order entry with your menu.


See Also:

Understanding Menu Items and Modifiers

Add an Enforced Modifier

Additional SpeedStart Tutorials SpeedStart-logo_only_small