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Example 2: Suggest Adding a Side Salad to an Entree

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When customers order a specific entree, you want your order-taker to suggest adding a side salad. Here is how you would create that suggestive sell opportunity in Menu Designer. This example assumes that you have a "side salad" item in your menu.

To Create the Suggestive Sell Opportunity:

Create a Choice:

1.In the Menu Tree, right-click the entree's node, IconItemModifierNode point to Add, and then click Choice.

2.In the Name field, enter a name for this choice. (For example, "Side Salad?")

3.Ensure that the Active check box is selected.

4.In the Prompt field, enter the upsell prompt phrase. (For example, "Side salad with that?") This phrase will appear when the entree is selected.

5.In the Behavior list, select Yes/No.

Create an Enforced Item:

1.Right-click the choice node, IconChoiceNode point to Add, and then click Enforced Item.

2.In the Item Node field, click the Browse button ButtonBrowse, select "side salad", and then click OK.

3.Ensure that the Active check box is selected.

4.We want to allow the customer to choose a dressing for the salad, so clear the Add Automatically check box. The order-taker will now be able to add a dressing modifier to the salad.

5.In the Prompt field, enter a phrase to prompt the order-taker to ask for a dressing choice. (For example, "What dressing would you like for your salad?")

6.In the Panel Node field, click the Browse button, ButtonBrowse select the menu panel that contains the salad item (and the salad dressing choices), and then click OK.

7.Under Size, select a size from the Default list. This is the size that will automatically be chosen for the side salad.

8.The sizes that the side salad is available in are listed underneath the Default list. Check all the size boxes.

9.Under Quantity, in the Default box, type or select 1, and type or select 1 in the Min and Max boxes.  

Now when the entree is selected, the choice node will prompt the order-taker to ask the customer if they want a side salad with their entree. If the order-taker touches "Yes", they will be taken to the salad panel and prompted for a salad dressing choice. Once the dressing is selected, the salad is added to the order.

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Example 1: Suggest Adding Extra Cheese to a Pizza

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Example 3: Suggest "Upsizing" the Side and Beverage