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Menu Designer

Navigation: Adding and Maintaining Menu Elements

Understanding Menu Items and Modifiers

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A menu item is anything that can be sold to a customer. Pizza, drinks, and promotional merchandise are examples of menu items.

A modifier (or choice) is an item in your restaurant that is not sold on its own, but is added to a menu item that is sold.


A pepperoni modifier node.

For example, pepperoni would be considered a modifier, because it is not sold on its own, but added to other items that are saleable, like a pizza or sandwich. Modifiers are not limited to food items. Anything that can be added to a menu item is considered a modifier. This includes food packaging items.

Menu items and modifiers are represented on the Menu Tree as Item/Modifier nodes. IconItemModifierNode Every item or modifier that you want to appear on your Terminal menu must have an Item/Modifier node in the Menu Tree.

To help you add menu items and modifiers to your menu, we have created two tutorials for you to follow:

To learn how to add an item to your menu, view the Adding Menu Items SpeedStart Tutorial SpeedStart-logo_only_small

To learn how to add modifiers to your menu, view the Adding Modifiers SpeedStart Tutorial SpeedStart-logo_only_small

See Also:

Understanding Prices

Add Item or Modifier Buttons

Understanding the Menu Tree