Show/Hide Toolbars

Menu Designer

In this step, you will:

Add a Terminal button for each modifier.

To Add Menu Item Buttons:

There are two ways to add buttons to menu panels: with a wizard, or manually. If you are adding several menu items to the panel at once, it is usually faster to use the wizard. Click the appropriate link below to see instructions.

Note HM

Note This topic explains how to add item buttons with a plain background. If you want to add buttons with images on them, see Adding Buttons with Pictures on Them.

Single buttons or groups of buttons may also be added manually:

Click to expand        To Add a Menu Item Button Manually:

Best Practice HM

Hint If your menu item names are long, you may need to edit the button caption so that it fits on the button.

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Adding Modifiers SpeedStart Tutorial Home

Step 1: Add a Group

Step 2: Add Modifier Nodes

You are here RightGreenArrowSmall Step 3: Add Terminal Buttons