Use this procedure to enter when and how often you pay your employees. For some businesses, the pay schedule may end on the fifteenth and last day of each month, while others prefer to pay their employees weekly or monthly. This section allows you to enter your preference into Store Manager and then have Terminal keep track of each pay period for you.
Caution Changing pay period settings in the middle of a pay period may cause inaccuracies in the current pay period data. |
To Set Up or Change Pay Periods:
1.Go to the Settings> People> Employee Options > Pay Period tab.
2.In the Pay period start date field, click the arrow and select the start date of the current pay period.
3.Select Auto Increment Pay Period to automatically advance the pay period start date by the interval selected in the Pay Period Interval area.
4.If you selected Auto Increment Pay Period, in the Pay Period Interval area, select the pay period interval:
•Select Weekly to pay employees every week.
•Select Bi-Weekly to pay employees every second week.
•Select Twice Monthly to pay employees twice a month on specified dates.
oIn the End Day 1 field, enter the first pay period end day each month (the first pay day). For example, if you want your first pay period to end on the 1st, enter "1"
oIn the End Day 2 field, enter the second pay period end day each month.
For example, if you want your second pay period to end on the 15th of every month, enter "15".
•Select Monthly to pay employees once a month.
5.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.
See Also: