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Set Overtime Pay Rates

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Setting up your overtime options will ensure that the pay rate of employees who work extra hours are adjusted accordingly. Make certain that the pay period has been set to auto increment, otherwise Terminal will not correctly display the extra hours.

Warning HM

Caution Changing overtime settings in the middle of a pay period may cause inaccuracies in the current pay period data.

To Set Up or Change Overtime:

1.Go to the Settings> People> Employee Options icon_employeeOptions> Pay Period tab.

2.In the Overtime area, select one of the Overtime Method options:

Select None to turn off overtime. No overtime rates will be applied.


Select Daily to pay overtime based on the number of hours per day an employee works.


Select Weekly to pay overtime based on the total number of hours per week an employee works.


Select Daily and Weekly to pay overtime based on both the hours per day and the total number of hours per week an employee works.

3.Enter hour and overtime rate settings in all Daily and Weekly areas that are active (not grayed out):

a.In the Period 1 field, enter the number of hours that must be worked before overtime will be paid. For example, if "time and a half" is paid to staff who work more than 8 hours in one day, in the Daily area Hours field, enter "8" and in the Rate % field, enter "150" (150%).

b.In the Period 2 field, enter the number of hours that must be worked before the next level of overtime will be paid. For example, if employees get "double-time" after  12 hours of work in one day, enter "12" in the Daily area Hours field and "200" in the Rate % field.

4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

See Also:

View the Weekly Summary