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Navigation: Employees > Employee Options Settings

Assign Labor Cost Group

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Labor cost groups can help you group labor costs for several different departments for reporting purposes. For example, costs for each group will be shown in the Labor Costs section of the DayReport.

Labor cost groups may be assigned either in the Employee Options> Departments tab, or in the employee profile [Access an employee's profile by going to the Settings> People> Employees screen and double-clicking the employee's name in the list.] Jobs tab, depending on your Settings By options. See Choose Settings to Apply by Departmentfor more information.

The procedure below describes how to assign a labor cost group to all members of a department. To assign labor cost groups to individuals rather than departments, see Assign Job and Salary.

To Assign a Labor Cost Group to a Department

1.Go to the Settings> People> Employee Options icon_employeeOptions> Departments tab.

2.Click the Labor Cost Group field opposite the department you want to assign the group to.

Note HM

Note If the Labor cost Group column is not displayed, your labor cost groups are assigned to individual employees rather than to departments. See Assign Job and Salary to assign labor cost groups to individuals.

3.Click the arrow bDropdown and select a group from the Labor Cost Group list.

Note HM

Note If the appropriate group is not listed, see Change Labor Cost Group List to add it.

4.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

See Also:

Assign Job and Salary (to assign labor cost groups to individuals rather than departments).

Change Labor Cost Group List (to change the list of groups that are available for assignment).

Choose Settings to Apply by Department (to change how labor cost groups are assigned).