Follow this procedure when an employee has been given days off when they would normally be available for work, for example, when they are on vacation, or have been granted time off to attend a special event. Once recorded, this time will be shown on the schedule so the employee is not mistakenly given shifts on those days. If the employee is on extended vacation, you may want to change their status to "on leave." This will also remove them from the schedule. See Record Employee Leave for instructions.
To Schedule an Employee's Requested Days Off
1.Go to Settings> People> Employees.
2.Double-click the employee whose days off you want to enter.
3.Click the Scheduling tab.
4.In the Days Off area, click the Change button.
5.In the Days Off window, click Add.
6.Select the start date from the Start Date drop-down calendar.
7.Select the end date from the End Date drop-down calendar.
8.Optionally, in the Reason field, enter a reason for the day off.
9.Click OK to close the Days Off window. The scheduled days off are listed in the Days Off area.
10.Click OK to save your changes and close the employee's profile. The weekly schedule will show the employee as unavailable on the days off.
11.Optionally, to have Store Manager automatically delete an employee's past days off so that the list does not get too long, go to the Settings> Schedule Options> General tab and select Auto Delete Past Days Off.
12.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.
See Also: