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Run an SQL Database Query

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If you wish to extract information from the SpeedLine database to produce a custom report, you can do so by running a Structured Query Language (SQL) query in Store Manager.

Best Practice HM

Hint If your knowledge of SQL is limited, you can start by copying and then modifying the SQL produced when standard Store Manager reports are run. On the SQL page of the Report Options Wizard, select the Show SQL (if available) check box. See Run the Report Options Wizard for more instructions.

Click one of the links below to see instructions for that procedure.

Warning HM

Caution Some SQL queries can delete or damage data. Use DELETE, DROP, and UPDATE statements with extreme caution, and back up the database before running them.

Some Simple SQL Examples

To do this:

Type this SQL query:

Show all customers.

SELECT * FROM "Customer"

Show all customers in a certain city.

SELECT * FROM "Customer"


Show all customers set to not accept checks.

SELECT * FROM "Customer"

WHERE NOT AcceptChecks

Show a list of all table names in the database.


Show all records in a specified database table.

SELECT * FROM tablename

Show all field names in a specified database table.


WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tablename'

Show menu items with a specified tag. (Tags may be used to categorize menu items or sales mixes in Menu Designer.)

SELECT * FROM tranarchive_allitems

WHERE Tags LIKE '%Meat%'

Note HM

Important Customer information entered in Terminal is saved in the SpeedLine database in upper case (all capital) letters. When specifying the contents of a customer information field, use all-capital letters for text.

See Also:

Run the Report Options Wizard