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Manage the Streets Table

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The Streets table holds a list of block numbers, street names, city, state, and zip codes for customers in your trade area. It can also contain assigned delivery zones, if you are not using LiveMaps [The LiveMaps optional add-on allows you to base your customer address validation, delivery zones, driving directions, and reporting on live, up-to-date maps provided by an online mapping provider. Display maps on a second monitor, email directions to your drivers' smartphones, and more. Talk to your SpeedLine Sales representative for more information.] to assign zones based on geocode.

Using the Streets table is optional, and is not required to run SpeedLine; however, there are several benefits to using the Streets table:

It can validate a customer's address, ensuring that it is not a prank call, and is within your delivery area.

It  speeds new customer  entry in Terminal, as the correct street name is auto-completed as you start to type, and the city, state and zip fields are then auto-filled based on the street address (if it is different from the initial value set on the Customer Options, General tab).

Correct addresses mean fewer "street address not found" errors during delivery mapping if you are using LiveMaps [The LiveMaps optional add-on allows you to base your customer address validation, delivery zones, driving directions, and reporting on live, up-to-date maps provided by an online mapping provider. Display maps on a second monitor, email directions to your drivers' smartphones, and more. Talk to your SpeedLine Sales representative for more information.].  

Validated addresses result in a clean, accurate customer database that allows more efficient database marketing.

There is no limit to the number of streets the table can hold.

To improve efficiency when you enter new streets or customer information, you may want to change street entry options. See Set Options for Street Entry for instructions.

There are two options for managing information in the Streets table:

You can manage the streets table manually, by adding the streets in your trade area (and assigning delivery zones to them, if not using LiveMaps [The LiveMaps optional add-on allows you to base your customer address validation, delivery zones, driving directions, and reporting on live, up-to-date maps provided by an online mapping provider. Display maps on a second monitor, email directions to your drivers' smartphones, and more. Talk to your SpeedLine Sales representative for more information.]) using a map.

If your trade area is large and adding streets manually would be too time consuming, street databases are available for purchase. For information about purchasing a street database, talk to your SpeedLine sales representative.

Click the links below to see instructions for each task.

Click to expandTo Check Streets Table Entries for Errors SpeedLine recommends checking your streets entries for errors if you have imported street information from a streets database, or have upgraded from v6.1 or earlier.
Click to expandTo Change City Names If the Streets table shows incorrect names for the city associated with some streets (for example, if a city name has changed due to amalgamation, or if LiveMaps has retrieved a neighborhood name instead of a city name), you can replace all occurrences of the incorrect name in the table with the correct name.

See Also:

Set Options for Street Entry

Print, Export, or Customize Streets or Zones Tables

Add Custom Fields to the Customer Screen