1.Go to the Settings> System> Card Processing > Gift Cards tab.
2.Select Process Cards to activate integrated gift card processing.
3.In the Processor Interface list, select your credit card processor.
Caution To avoid disruptions or errors in payment receipt, do not make changes to the Processor Interface setting during the day while you are receiving payments. |
4.To use EMV PIN pads to swipe gift cards (if EMV hardware is available on the station), select the Use EMV Hardware If Present check box.
Note If you are using end-to-end encryption (E2EE), in order to read gift cards with an EMV PIN pad swipe, you must be processing both credit and gift cards through the same processor network (for example, Worldpay with StoreCard, or First Data with ValueLink). If you are using different processing networks for credit and gift cards, use a legacy magnetic stripe reader to read gift cards, or key them into Terminal manually. |
5.In the Max Qty of Cards to Process field, type or select a value up to 10 for the maximum number of cards to activate in one transaction. This allows for faster activation if you activate cards in groups.
6.In the Authorization Slip Printing area, select what information will show on the credit card receipt printout:
•Card Balance: Select to print the balance remaining in the gift card account.
•Card #: Select to print a full or partial gift card number.
•Full Card Number: Select to print the entire gift card number on the receipt.
•First Digits and Last Digits: Type or select a value in each field to specify how many of the digits at the start and end of the gift card number to print or display.
•Copies: Type or select the number of copies of the gift card receipt to print.
6.In the sidebar, click Money, and then click Tender Types.
7.Ensure the General and Card Information tabs are set up for the gift card tender type.
8.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.
9.Refresh Terminal to implement your new gift card settings.
Note Either Monetra or Worldpay processing software must be set up before gift card payments can be processed through Terminal. See Set Up Monetra Payment Processing, Set Up Worldpay Express Processing, or Set Up Worldpay MercuryPay Processing (depending on which payment processor you are using) for instructions. |
See Also:
•Set Up Worldpay MercuryPay Processing
•Set Up Worldpay Express Processing
•Set Up Monetra Payment Processing