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Navigation: Money > Card Processing

Enter Credit Card Settings

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1.Go to the Settings> System> Card Processing icon_cardProcessing> Credit Cards tab.

2.Select Process Cards to activate integrated credit card processing.

3.In the Processor Interface list, select your payment processing software.

Warning HM

Caution To avoid disruptions or errors in payment receipt, do not make changes to the Processor Interface setting during the day while you are receiving payments.

4.In the Authorization Slip Printing area, select what information will print on the credit card authorization slip:

Member Name: Prints the customer's name.

Note HM

Note The customer's name cannot be printed on the authorization slip if using a secure card entry device such as an EMV PIN pad.

Tip Line: Prints an extra line for the customer to enter a tip amount.

Minimum Amount for Signature Line: Choose the minimum dollar amount at which the signature line will print. For example, if you do not require a signature on charges of less than $25, enter "25".

Merchant Copy: Select to print the merchant copy of the credit card authorization slip. If using Worldpay, the agreement and signature lines will print only on the merchant copy (for Monetra, they print on the customer copy as well).

Customer Copy: Select to print a customer copy of the credit card authorization slip.

Merchant Copy (EMV): Select to print the merchant copy of the credit card authorization slip when using an EMV device. As printing the merchant copy of an EMV authorization slip is not required, you may want to clear this check box to save paper.

Customer Copy (EMV): Select to print the customer copy of the credit card authorization slip when using an EMV device. If using SpeedLine Pay, the customer copy of the slip will be emailed to the customer, whether this check box is selected or not.

6.In the sidebar, click Money, and then click Tender Types. icon_tenderTypes

7.Ensure the General and Card Information tabs are set up for the credit card tender types you will accept.

8.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

6.Refresh Terminal to implement your new credit card settings.

Note HM

Note Either Monetra or Worldpay payment processing software must be set up before credit card payments can be processed through Terminal. See Set Up Monetra Payment Processing, or Set Up Worldpay Payment Processing  (depending on which payment processor you are using) for instructions.

See Also:

Set Up Worldpay Payment Processing

Specify Card Payment Edit Handling

Change Tender Types

Set Up Card Information