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Display or Print New Customer Messages

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You can display a prompt that appears in Terminal when a new phone number is entered, and you can also have a thank-you message or offer print on a new customer's ticket.

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Messages icon_customerMessages> New Customer tab.

2.Select Enable Operator Prompt to display a pop-up message in Terminal to remind the employee to say or do something for the new customer.

3.Click in the Operator Prompt field and type the message you want to display.
For example: New Customer. Tell the Customer about our special 2 for 1 deal on weekdays, or New Customer. Don't forget to give them our pizza punch card.

4.Select Enable Ticket Message to print a message on the customer’s ticket.

5.Click in the Ticket Message field and type the message you want to print.
For example: Thank-you for your order today, we hope to see you again soon. or As a new customer, this receipt entitles you to 10% off your next order.

6.In the Message Position area, select whether you want the message to print at the top or bottom of the ticket.

7.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

8.Refresh all Terminal stations to implement your new settings.

See Also:

Customer Messages

Market with Mass E-mail

Format Printed Tickets to determine which ticket formats the customer message prints on.