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Navigation: Testing Prices and Costs

Test All Sales Mixes

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You can test all the sales mixes in the menu at once using the steps below. This feature allows chains, for example, to quickly test the effect of changes made to a corporate menu on a number of sales mixes from different store groups before sending the menu file out to store locations.

To Test All Sales Mixes in the Menu

1.Add sales mixes to the menu tree by importing DayFiles or by creating a sales mix from scratch (see Add a Sales Mix for steps).

Best Practice HM

Hint If you are using Store Groups in your menu, the DayFiles you import from the stores should have the correct Store Group selected in the Sales Mix Store Groups tab.

2.If you are using SpeedLine Inventory, run the Retrieve Inventory Costs wizard to include your most recent stock item costs in the sales mix.

3.On the Tools menu, click Test All Sales Mixes. All active sales mixes in the menu are screened for serious errors and differences between target prices [The total intended price of a menu selection, taking into account quantity. For example, if the selection has a quantity of one,  the target could be the price on your printed menu, or the price you have determined to be correct, or the price needed to give you a certain profit margin.] and calculated prices [The price calculated using the price nodes in the menu and the quantities ordered on the sales mix ticket.]. If any sales mixes fail the test, a "Test Failed" result and a message display in the results pane at the bottom of the window.

4.To further investigate sales mixes that have failed the test:

a.Double-click the sales mix displaying the error in the results pane, which will highlight the offending sales mix in the menu tree.

b.Double-click the sales mix node in the menu tree to open the Sales Mix Designer.

c.Test the sales mix.

See Also:

Add a Sales Mix

Test Menu Prices