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Navigation: Creating Menu Panels

Add Logos or Other Images

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Use this procedure to add your company logo or another image to a menu panel. If you want to add an image to a menu item (Anything that can be sold to a customer is considered a menu item. Pizza, drinks, and promotional merchandise are examples of menu items.) button, see Add Buttons with Pictures on Them.

To Add an Image to a Menu Panel:

1.Open an existing panel in the Panel Designer

2.Click the Image button buttonImage on the Components toolbar.

3.Press and drag in the Panel Designer workspace to add a container for the image.

4.Enter pixel dimensions in the Height and Width fields of the Components Property Editor to size the container to the desired dimensions.

5.Prepare the graphic:

a.Use a graphics program to crop or size the image to the same dimensions as the image container you added.

b.Save the image in one of the acceptable file formats (click the link below to see a list). JPEG files 15 Kb or less in size are the preferred format.

6.In the Components Property Editor, click the Picture field, and then click the Browse button. ButtonBrowseCompEditor The Picture Editor window appears.

7.Click the Load button and navigate to the logo or other image file saved on your computer.  

8.Select the image to be added and click Open.

9.Click OK. The image appears in the container on your menu panel, and is embedded in the menu file.

10.If the image is a slightly different size than the container, in the Components Property Editor, select the Stretch check box. The image shrinks or expands to fit the dimensions of the container.

Note HM

Note Selecting the Stretch check box will result in reduced image quality if the picture size is very different from the container size. It is preferable to size the image using a graphics program before loading it into Panel Designer.

Best Practice HM

Hint To keep the menu load times short, limit the number and file size of menu images.

See Also:

Open a Panel in the Panel Designer

Add Buttons with Pictures on Them

About Editing Menu Panels