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Turn Off or Delete Customer Surveys

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You may want to stop printing all customer satisfaction surveys temporarily, or you may want to turn off or delete individual surveys. By turning off a survey, rather than deleting it, you keep all the settings and the survey text, so you can use the survey later if needed.

To Turn Off All Customer Surveys

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Messages icon_customerMessages> Customer Satisfaction tab.

2.Clear the Use Customer Satisfaction check box to stop printing all surveys.

3.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

4.Refresh Terminal on all stations. Surveys will not print with any receipts for any order types.

To Turn off a Customer Survey

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Messages icon_customerMessages> Customer Satisfaction tab.

2.In the list of surveys, double-click the survey you want to turn off (click the expand button bExpand to expand survey date ranges, if needed to see the surveys).

3.In the Date Restrictions area, select the Check Dates check box, if it is not already selected.

4.In the End Date field, click the arrow bDropdown and select a date when you want the survey to stop printing. If you want it to stop printing immediately, select yesterday's date.

5.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

6.Refresh Terminal on all stations. The survey you turned off will not print, but any surveys set up for other order types will continue to print.

Best Practice HM

Hint You can turn the survey back on at any time by clearing the Check Dates check box, or by resetting the start and end dates.

To Delete a Customer Survey

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Messages icon_customerMessages> Customer Satisfaction tab.

2.In the list of surveys, click to select the survey you want to delete (click the expand button bExpand to expand survey date ranges, if needed to see the surveys).

3.Click the Delete button. bDelete

Warning HM

Caution Deleting a survey cannot be undone.

4.Click OK to confirm the deletion.

5.On the Edit menu, click Save Changes.

See also:

Manage Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Set Up a Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Messages