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Manage Customer Satisfaction Surveys

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The Customer Satisfaction Survey feature in Store Manager can help you get feedback from customers. You can print ongoing surveys, or temporary surveys that start and end on specified dates. Survey questions can be printed with the customer receipt, or simply print a link to an online survey. And surveys can be set to print with all customer tickets, or only a certain percentage.

To turn off or delete an existing survey, see Turn Off or Delete Customer Surveys.

Best Practice HM

Hint Customer Satisfaction Surveys can be used to promote repeat business: offer a discount on the next order when customers return the completed survey to the store.

To Manage Customer Satisfaction Surveys

1.Go to the Settings> People> Customer Messages icon_customerMessages> Customer Satisfaction tab. Any existing customer surveys are listed in the main area of the screen.

2.Select the Use Customer Satisfaction check box to start using surveys.

3.To have the ticket receipt and the survey print on the same slip, clear the Cut Paper between Ticket and Survey check box.

4.Do one of the following:

Click the Add button bAdd to add a new customer satisfaction survey (see Add or Change a Customer Satisfaction Survey).


Select a survey in the list and click the Edit button bEdit to change it (see Add or Change a Customer Satisfaction Survey).


If you are certain you want to permanently remove a survey, select a survey in the list and click the Delete button. bDelete

Warning HM

Caution Deleting a survey cannot be undone. It is often preferable to temporarily turn off surveys (see Turn Off or Delete Customer Surveys).

See Also:

Add or Change a Customer Satisfaction Survey

Turn Off or Delete Customer Surveys