To use electronic receiving from a supplier, the stock items and supplier-specific units of measure (UOMs) are first imported into Store Manager.
If you prefer to manually update existing stock items with McLane-specific supplier information for use in electronic receiving, rather than using the Import Items from Electronic Supplier Wizard, see Manually Add Supplier-specific Information to Stock Items.
1.Go to Settings> Inventory Settings> Stock Items.
2.At the top of the Stock Items screen, click the drop-down button and select Import Items from Electronic Supplier Wizard.
3.The wizard will start. Click Next.
4.Choose an electronic supplier from the Supplier Type list, and click Next.
5.The New Units of Measure page will show any Units of Measure (UOMs) that are not already in Store Manager. (If there are no new units of measure, skip this step.) If desired, click in the Abbreviation field and enter a more descriptive abbreviation for the new units of measure.
6.Click Next.
7.The New Items page will show any stock items that are not already in Store Manager. (If there are no items listed, skip this step.)
For each item in the list:
a.Choose one of the following Import Options for the item:
•Map to existing item attaches the new item to an existing stock item. McLane will be added as a supplier of the existing item. To use this option, specify which item to map to by clicking in the Stocking PLU field and then selecting the exsiting item's PLU from the drop-down list.
•Add new item adds the new item to Store Manager.
•Ignore does not add the stock item during this import session. It may appear as a new item again the next time the wizard is run.
•Always Ignore does not add the stock item, and prevents if from appearing again when the wizard is run.
b.Optionally, click in the Description field and type a more detailed description of the item. The description will become the stock item name in Store Manager.
c.Click in the Stocking Unit field for this item and select a new stocking unit from the drop-down list, or leave as-is to keep the unit imported from McLane.
d.Optionally, click the Item Category column for the new item and choose a category from the drop-down list, or type in a new Item Category name.
e.Repeat step 7a to d for all items in the list.
8.Click Next, and then click Finish. Your new items will now be available to Inventory.
Hint Suppliers will sometimes include delivery charges or restocking fees in their orders. If you import those charges along with the other stock items, clear the Track Stock check box in the charge item's General tab to prevent the charge from showing as a quantity on stock reports. |
See also:
•Manually Add Supplier-specific Information to Stock Items
•Set SourceLink File Permissions